Rosh Chodesh – 31 March 2022


Rosh Chodesh
Torah Study In Person and on Zoom

Rabbi Debbie welcomes everyone who would like to learn at this monthly group. Throughout 5782 (2021-22) our monthly Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) group is deepening their knowledge and engagement with Jewish rituals, ancient and new, sometimes a bit of both!

To register to stay updated on our monthly meetings please do so via our Together Groups page, click here. You can join us in person or on Zoom, though there will usually be an interactive element in the second half that will be enhance by being present if you are able. Zoom details will be in the Our Week Ahead email or email

Thursday 31 March
Nisan – Innovating at Seder. Seder is an incredibly rich time to celebrate Jewish ritual. But it is a ritual that has endlessly shifted and changed over the years – and we will explore some of the modern innovations that might add stories, campaigns and depth to your seder.