Telenet Support

The Community Care department co-ordinates Telenet, a telephone support system for those members aged 85 years and above, some of whom may be isolated and cut off from the community, particularly if they are housebound or find it difficult to get out. These phone calls are so important to every recipient and as a large community we aim to:

*increase contact and stay in touch with senior members of our community*

*reduce isolation in the community*

We strive to keep in touch with these members and our Telenet volunteers phone their allocated members at least three times a year before major festivals and often more frequently and build a telephone relationship. Both the caller and the recipient get a great deal out of these relationships.

Would you like to join our team of Telenet callers?

We always need more Telenet volunteers and this is something you can do from the comfort of your own home at a time that is convenient to you.
Please contact the Community Care department to discuss on 0208 238 1013/1015.

We look forward to hearing from you!