EHRS Community Needs Fund

Are you struggling to cope financially? The EHRS Community Needs Fund enables us to help each other.

For many years our Synagogue has been able to help when our members are struggling financially. The EHRS Community Needs Fund is built up every year as one of the beneficiaries of our High Holy Days appeal and numerous member donations throughout the year. Its aim to enable synagogue members to help their fellow members in distress. The fund makes grants of up to a few hundred pounds to help members access health services, prevent eviction from home, put food on the table, renew or repair basic equipment when it is broken (such as a bed or a fridge), afford school uniforms and many other needs.

To access the fund there is a simple, non-intrusive, form which is available from any of the EHRS Rabbis or Val Joseph or Marissa Rosenthal in the EHRS Community Care team. Just phone or email any of them at the Synagogue.

All grants are absolutely confidential and should not be seen as charity, but rather as enabling our members to do the mitzvah of Gemilut Chasadim, spreading loving kindness in the world. Decisions on grants are made by three long term trustees of the fund only in order to ensure its probity and confidentiality. There have been remarkably few calls on the EHRS Community Needs Fund in the past months and the trustees are committed to making sure EHRS members know of its existence and feel welcome to apply to it when they are in need.