Stonegrove Serenade Sukkot Concert


Stonegrove Serenade Sukkot Concert
Monday 2 October
, 15:30-16:30

We welcome back visiting Belarussian Yevgeny Kutik, the talented US based violinist who performed for us last September. Yevgeny is back in London for just a short while and so we’re thrilled he has offered to come and perform again at EHRS. He will be accompanied on piano by London-based Maya Irgalina, who is a Belarusian pianist of Tatar origin. She performs internationally with the UK highlights including Barbican, Wigmore Hall, Machynlleth Festival, Oscar Wilde Weekend, and Cheltenham Jazz Festival.

We’re delighted that our Bechstein grand piano is repaired and will be back in action at this concert. The repair was conceived and carried out by a regular attendee and his friend, neither of whom are EHRS members nor have charged Stonegrove Serenade for their time, however we have materials costs to recover and will make a donation to their choice of charity, the church where one of them is a member.

Followed by tea and cake in the Sukkah.

At this concert, all donations made will be split between the charity Help Musicians and the EHRS Piano Restoration Fund.
