Rosh Chodesh – 6 January 2022


Rosh Chodesh
Torah Study on Zoom

Rabbi Debbie welcomes everyone who would like to learn at this monthly group.
Throughout 5782 (2021-22) our monthly Rosh Chodesh (New Moon) group is deepening their knowledge and engagement with Jewish rituals, ancient and new, sometimes a bit of both!

To register to stay updated on our monthly meetings please do so via our Together Groups page, click here. This month will be held only on Zoom, details will be in the Our Week Ahead email or email

Thursday 6 January
Shvat – In the coming month we will celebrate the Birthday of the Trees. Why do trees need a birthday? How have they been afforded special status through Jewish history? And what does it mean to ritualise our thanks every time we eat from a tree?

Future dates: 3 February & 3 March