Oud & Food 2024


Celebrate the heritage of Jews in Morocco and Egypt, including many of our own members.

Come to our Mizrachi Market to discover their stories, culture, music, and food. Discover the hidden treasures of the Cairo Genizah, tantalise your taste buds with a taste of North African cuisine, hear the story of life in Egypt before the Suez Crisis, and enjoy the sounds of Moroccan music.

Our speakers on the morning will include Dr Estara Arrant from the Cambridge University Geniza Research Unit (coming with Egytpian documents in Maimonides own handwriting!), Michelle Huberman from Harif, the UK charity that preserves the heritage and culture of North African Jews, Cantor Tamara who will share the stories of the Egyptian Jewish pop stars of the last century and the extraordinary music of Morocco, that’s where the Oud comes in, and a historical journey with Rabbi Mark.

All are welcome.
£5 for EHRS Members ~ £10 for Non Members

Please book below
